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Cellular and Integrative Physiology Research

The Department of Anatomy, Cell Biology & Physiology at Indiana University School of Medicine is made up of an extraordinary group of creative research scientists whose studies include basic cellular and physiological processes as well as research focusing on a variety of disease processes including cancer, diabetes, bone remodeling, cardiovascular, renal, membrane and respiratory pathophysiology.

The department is actively involved in the Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CTSI), working statewide to increase translation of biomedical research to improve the health of people of Indiana and beyond. Translation includes technology transfer and movement of basic research to clinical studies in humans.

Research Facilities

The Medical Science Imaging Facility is located in the Van Nuys Medical Science Building on the IU School of Medicine—Indianapolis campus and includes a two-photon confocal microscope and an epifluorescent microscope with digital camera.

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