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Musculoskeletal Biology Research

Indiana University School of Medicine—and the Department of Anatomy, Cell Biology & Physiology in particular—has a long tradition of leading the nation in musculoskeletal research. The department has made key contributions to the clinical treatment of osteoporosis and arthritis.

The department’s musculoskeletal biology research faculty at the school’s Indianapolis campus is among elite groups of researchers in this specialty area in the United States—and throughout the world. Department of Anatomy, Cell Biology & Physiology faculty specializing in musculoskeletal health are the largest group of investigators within the Indiana Center for Musculoskeletal Health. The center is an extension of the research being conducted within the Department of Anatomy ,Cell Biology & Physiology.

Faculty research interests include rare genetic diseases, endocrine effects on the musculoskeletal system, discovery-based research for anabolic and anti-catabolic agents, signal transduction and cell-cell communication, mechanotransduction, energy metabolism, and aging.

Musculoskeletal Research

Musculoskeletal Research

Research on musculoskeletal health at IU School of Medicine encompasses the full spectrum of medical research—basic and preclinical, translational and population science.

Musculoskeletal Education

Musculoskeletal Education

Developing new generations of scientists and clinicians is a fundamental focus of IU School of Medicine. Training is offered to MD students as well as residents, graduate students and postdocs.

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