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Continuing Education in Healthcare Professions

Faculty Presenters

Faculty serving as a presenter for an educational activity in which CME credit is provided by the Division of Continuing Education at IU School of Medicine can find information, including requirements and resources, about presenting or authoring educational CME-credited material here.

The CME planning process is based on a foundation of needs assessment which serves to identify professional practice gaps of the intended audience, articulate the needs, and outline objectives that change knowledge/competence, performance and/or patient outcomes. Faculty presenters should be designing objectives and developing presentation material to address learners’ practice gaps consistent with the objectives of the activity. Additionally, program material must address one or more competencies identified for the activity and, to the extent possible, address barriers as they relate to implementation of recommendations and offer strategies for removing those barriers. Faculty presenters should strive for balance, independence, objectivity and scientific rigor.

Presentation Components

Presentations are reviewed to ensure that the following attributes are included.

  • Evidence that supports the conclusions drawn in the presentation and that this evidence is acceptable to the profession
  • Research that forms the basis of the content is scientifically objective and not skewed by the opinion of the manufacturer of drugs that are referenced as treatments
  • Treatment options that are fair and balanced, where no one treatment is singled out in the presentation without balancing it with other treatments in the same drug class
  • Activity material that is independent and free from commercial bias
  • Learning objectives referenced in the course materials link properly to the identified gaps
  • Lack of omissions or additions to the content that would bias information presented to the learners.
  • The activity contributes to improvements in health care by providing the learner with practice recommendations that fit within the learners’ scope of practice, meet the criteria listed above, and contribute to overall improvements in patient care.

Invited presenters receive a packet of information in the mail with a letter from the activity coordinator that outlines these expectations. This website is designed to support that packet with copies of the required forms and other helpful information for preparing your presentation or material. If more assistance is needed, please contact the activity coordinator directly.

Policies and Forms

All CME presenters and authors should be familiar with the IU School of Medicine policies and practices that allow the organization to offer and credit educational material under the criteria set forth by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME). All individuals who are in a position to affect the development, management, presentation or evaluation of an educational activity must disclose all relevant financial relationships. In addition, other information is needed at specific times throughout the preparation period.


The Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) requires the IU School of Medicine Division of Continuing Education to identify and resolve conflicts of interest for all individuals responsible for the development, management, presentation, and/or evaluation relevant to an CME activity. Disclosed information is reviewed in advance in order to manage and resolve any possible conflicts of interest for each CME activity. Specific disclosure information will be shared with the audience prior to the speaker’s presentation.This process ensures that fair and unbiased educational materials are presented to comply with the ACCME Standards for Commercial Support, and it applies to planning committee members, speakers, presenters, moderators, authors, etc. Disclosures should be made on an annual basis or within 30 days of terminating or acquiring a new relevant financial relationship. Those who fail to complete the forms in advance of the CME activity are not eligible to be involved in the activity.



Best Practies

In order to meet CME criteria and standards, program content should be based on current best evidence that is accepted within the profession of medicine as adequate justification for the decisions about the care of individual patients. Helpful resources for preparing material that’s consistent with these criteria and standards are available.