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Expertise in Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer’s Disease Research

Alzheimer’s disease research at Indiana University School of Medicine encompasses the full spectrum of research—basic and preclinical, clinical and translational and population science. Faculty investigators have a strong and long-standing commitment to neurodegenerative research and receive generous federal grant awards and international support to advance their research. Collaborative research teams at IU School of Medicine also share resources and facilities that enable interaction and innovation.

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full spectrum of research
Deb Lahiri


Basic scientists explore the neurobiology and molecular genetics of Alzheimer’s disease.

Dr. Apostolova sitting with a patient and smiling


Investigators build on preclinical studies to test new methods to diagnose and treat Alzheimer’s.


Physicians and researchers apply clinical discoveries and evaluate their efficacy.

key research partners

Stark Neurosciences Research Institute

Stark Neurosciences Research Institute brings together the scientific community in a dynamic, collaborative organization that advances neuroscience discoveries.

Indiana Alzheimer's Disease Research Center

The Indiana Alzheimer's Disease Research Center was established in 1991 and is one of only 33 centers in the U.S. solely committed to Alzheimer’s research. 

Center for Neuroimaging

 The Center for Neuroimaging at IU School of Medicine, through the collaboration of neurosciences and biomedical imaging sciences, focuses on clinical and translational brain-imaging research. 

Alzheimer's disease research objectives

Understand what causes dementia

Even after decades of research, very little is known about what goes wrong in a person’s DNA to cause dementia. Researchers in basic science are working to analyze data and identify the root causes of dementia. Without this understanding, scientists can’t begin to formulate effective solutions.

Detect the disease early

Physician scientists now know that Alzheimer’s disease begins to develop about 20 years prior to the onset of dementia. The current thinking is that available treatments have largely been unsuccessful because the disease is too advanced when they are administered. Investigators at IU School of Medicine envision that Alzheimer’s disease will one day be screened for routinely, just as cholesterol tests are regularly administered to detect potential heart problems decades before a heart attack may occur.

Slow and prevent Alzheimer's disease

IU School of Medicine has played a major role in bringing some of today’s most commonly prescribed drugs to market—and continues to be a frontrunner in the development and testing of new drugs. Scientists are searching for new potential targets, developing new molecules and testing new interventions. Along with novel drugs, research teams are evaluating lifestyle interventions, including exercise and cognitive training, to slow or prevent dementia.

Improve the quality of life for patients and caregivers

Researchers at IU School of Medicine study ways to improve the quality of life for both patients and caregivers. Across the United States, more than 15 million people are caring for a family member or close friend suffering from dementia. Although being a caregiver can be rewarding, it can also create physical, emotional and financial burdens.

Interview an Expert

Schedule an interview with an IU School of Medicine faculty member or request materials and resources about Alzheimer’s disease research by contacting the IU School of Medicine media relations team.