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Northwest-Gary Campus

Summer Research Internship Program

Each year, IU School of Medicine–Northwest offers diverse faculty-mentored research programs to medical students as part of a ten-week Summer Research Internship Program. These programs engage students in biomedical, medical education, social-behavioral, or community-engaged research under the close supervision of a faculty mentor.

Examples of research projects include social determinants of health, health disparities, mental health, youth violence, chronic diseases, neuroscience, infectious diseases, innate immunity, muscle biology, obesity, aging, retinal physiology and diseases, corneal innervation and dry eye disease, among others. The students participating in this program will acquire critical research skills related to literature reviews, study design, data collection, data analysis, and dissemination.

Apply Now

Applications are due on January 15, 2024. Students located at the Northwest campus have priority, but all IU School of Medicine first year MD students are able to apply.

Faculty Mentors

The following faculty members routinely sponsor students in their research opportunities.

Biomedical Research

Medical Education Research

Urban Medicine, Community-Engaged or Social-Behavioral Research

Contact Information

Please directly contact the faculty member with whom you wish to work, or email for assistance.

A student holds up a sample plate in a research lab. A faculty member next to him points out an interesting detail in the sample