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Leaving a Legacy through Endowments

IU School of Medicine has been focused on improving health for more than 100 years, and it will continue that mission for the next century and beyond. That is why gifts of endowed funds are so important. They provide support for medical research and education today, tomorrow and far into the future.

An endowment is a permanent fund established to benefit IU School of Medicine. Rather than spending a gift outright, the Indiana University Foundation invests these gifts. Each year, a portion of the investment earnings is allocated to support the program or area designated by the endowment donor, and the remaining income is reinvested. The original gift—the principal—remains untouched, and it continues to earn interest. As a result, the endowment lives on forever.

The endowment may be established in a donor’s name or in honor of a family member, physician, mentor or someone else important. The fund will bear the name designated in perpetuity, creating a lasting legacy.

Learn More

To learn more about leaving a legacy through an endowment, contact a gift officer or call the Office of Gift Development at 317-274-3270.

Endowment Types

Endowed faculty positions help IU School of Medicine recruit senior researchers to Indiana who are developing new treatments for diseases. Endowed scholarships make the dream of medical school possible for compassionate and skilled students, regardless of their ability to pay. Because endowments live on forever, they also enable donors to leave a lasting legacy at IU School of Medicine.

Giving level: $2 million or more

A medical school is only as strong as its faculty, and endowed chairs enable IU School of Medicine to recruit the best of the best to Indiana—and keep them here. These sought-after physicians and researchers bring with them much-needed expertise that can elevate an entire program of research and care. Faculty members who are at the top of their fields typically only move because they see an opportunity to advance their research—and translate their discoveries into new treatments for patients. Being named the holder of an endowed chair provides that incentive and is extraordinarily prestigious.

A chair gives a faculty member the flexibility and freedom to devote significant time to research and education. Income from the endowed fund can be used to launch early stage or high-risk investigations, hire medical or postdoctoral students to work in the laboratory, or purchase the most advanced equipment. In an environment in which faculty members are frequently constrained by funding limitations, endowed chairs enable the holder to dream big and act decisively.

Giving level: $1 million or more

Like an endowed chair, an endowed professorship supports the work of a top-flight faculty member and provides the holder with a continuous stream of funding to pursue research and scholarly activities. Named professorships strengthen the IU School of Medicine and lead to improved patient care by enabling the recruitment of leading physicians and scientists.

Giving level: $500,000 or more

Endowed scholar/investigator professorships are intended to support faculty members during the early, critical stages of their careers, when outside funding is especially challenging to secure. Income from the endowment provides an up-and-coming leader with start-up funding necessary to launch and nurture a successful research program. In a few years, when the faculty member is on firm footing, the endowed fund shifts to support another assistant- or associate-level professor who is developing a research career. Endowed scholar/investigator professorships are a meaningful way to invest in future leaders in research and patient care.

Giving level: $250,000 or more

Fellows at the IU School of Medicine receive advanced education and training in a chosen specialty or field of research. These individuals will go on to serve patients with complex medical issues such as cancer, heart disease, liver disease, and other life-threatening or life-altering conditions. IU School of Medicine offers two types of endowed fellowships: one for board-certified physicians, the other for PhD researchers.

Giving levels: Endowed Scholarship $100,000; Endowed Leadership Scholarship $250,000; Endowed Legacy Scholarship $500,000.

On average, IU School of Medicine students borrow close to $200,000 to finance their medical education, making scholarship support more important than ever. Endowed scholarships attract bright and talented students to IU School of Medicine and give young physicians the freedom to choose a career based upon interest and social need, rather than on their ability to pay back debt.  Donors providing an endowed scholarship have the added satisfaction of knowing that their gift helps each patient those students go on to care for.

Giving levels: Endowed Research Fund $100,000; Endowed Leadership Research Fund $250,000; Endowed Legacy Research Fund $500,000.

Disease can only be cured through research. At a time when federal funding for research is limited, philanthropic support ensures that life-saving and life-extending discoveries continue to be made. Endowed research funds support skilled faculty members who have not yet received external assistance and provide financial stability for senior scientists to continue their investigations. Donors may designate a gift to advance the study of a particular medical discipline or disease.

Giving level: $100,000 or more

Funding for lectureships enables IU School of Medicine to invite prominent physicians and researchers from other institutions to share their expertise with faculty, students, residents and fellows. Visiting lecturers typically participate in scholarly activities for one to three days. By endowing a lectureship in the department or specialty of choice, donors can ensure that those affiliated with IU School of Medicine regularly have access to individuals who have made important discoveries or who are exploring new, innovative ideas. Such collaboration breeds further success at Indiana University School of Medicine.

Endowments at Work