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View contact information for faculty in the Department of Neurology at IU School of Medicine, including human resources and academic administration.

Neurology Contacts

51914-Gutmann, Laurie

Laurie Gutmann, MD

Chair, Department of Neurology

Contact Kasie Spears, Project Manager

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Rebecca Veselka

Rebecca Veselka

Vice Chair of Clinical and Academic Administration

Contact Kasie Spears, Project Manager

11098-Tormoehlen, Laura

Laura M. Tormoehlen, MD

Vice Chair of Clinical Practice - Adult

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11860-Jackman, Christopher

Christopher T. Jackman, MD

Vice Chair of Clinical Practice - Pediatrics

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1901-Kareken, David

David A. Kareken, PhD

Vice Chair of Research

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16371-Felker, Marcia

Marcia V. Felker, MD

Vice Chair of Education

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61772-Conwit, Robin

Robin Conwit, MD

Vice Chair of Professional Development

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