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Find information on medical student education programs in the Department of Ophthalmology at Indiana University School of Medicine.

Medical Student Education

Ophthalmology is a part of the required surgical rotation for MD students at IU School of Medicine. General surgery and anesthesia are also part of the surgery rotation. To gain additional training in this area of medicine, students may select ophthalmology as a surgical subspecialty rotation during the third year of medical school. In addition, students may sign up for an ophthalmology rotation focused on a clinical subspecialty or pursue a research project in ophthalmology with permission and guidance from an ophthalmology faculty member.

Self-Testing through Interactive Cases

The Department of Ophthalmology offers an interactive teaching resource for all medical students interested in increasing their knowledge of ophthalmic diseases and conditions at their own pace. Through this tool, medical students can review a variety of ophthalmic cases and then test their understanding and diagnosis.

Peer Support

While IU School of Medicine provides robust student support services, students themselves offer their peers valuable of support as well. Participants in the Ophthalmology Student Interest Group benefit from faculty and upper classmen advice and experiences to prepare for matching into competitive residency programs.

Inclusive Excellence Visiting Elective Program

IU School of Medicine is working to diversify the workforce by graduating more physicians from underrepresented groups and ensuring that all trainees are prepared to provide culturally competent care for patients from all walks of life. The Inclusive Excellence Visiting Elective Program supports fourth year medical students and qualified third year medical students attending a U.S. medical school including U.S. territories, from diverse backgrounds.

This program is designed to increase awareness of opportunities in academic medicine, and encourage students from diverse backgrounds to apply to IU School of Medicine's residency programs.

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