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Find information on the radiology residency program for the Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences at IU School of Medicine.

Radiology Residency Programs 

The Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences at Indiana University School of Medicine hosts two residencies for clinical physician training in Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology and one residency for PhD training in Diagnostic Imaging Physics. With more than 50 residents training as part of the department at any given time, these residencies complement each other to create one of the largest residency training cohorts in the United States. The achievements and reputation of the department’s teaching faculty along with the opportunities for advanced clinical service and facilities for and commitment to research make these exemplary programs for residents.
56 residents
1,100 applicants annually
170 radiology faculty
a resident and faculty member review radiology results on a bright monitor in a dark room

Diagnostic Radiology

The Diagnostic Radiology Residency program at IU School of Medicine has long been a premier program in the training of US radiologists. As one of the most clinically comprehensive and academically sound residency training programs in the world, this ACGME-accredited graduate medical education program includes exciting opportunities for development of trainee expertise in education, leadership and clinical imaging research in a dynamic, optimistic and resident-centric learning environment.

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Diagnostic Imaging Physics

The Diagnostic Imaging Physics Residency at IU School of Medicine is a two-year program that provides advanced training for imaging physicists. Residents who complete this program achieve competency in all areas of clinical diagnostic physics and are prepared to practice as independent clinical diagnostic physicists.

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Interventional Radiology

Offering one of the most comprehensive radiology training programs, the Interventional Radiology Residency provides trainees with access to premier hospitals and a diverse imaging research program. Residents who complete this program are prepared to gain certification by the American Board of Radiology and for future practice in interventional radiology.

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Radiology Residency Programs at IU School of Medicine

Geared for the future

After completing training at IU School of Medicine, radiology residents are highly sought-after for fellowships and radiology practice positions throughout the United States. The department's robust network of hundreds of alumni also affords graduates the opportunity to explore employment and partnerships at highly competitive academic and private practice groups across the country. The department of receives over 800 inquiries about residencies from applicants each year; of these, excellent candidates are carefully selected for the 11 Radiology, two Interventional Radiology (Integrated) and two Diagnostic Imaging Physics training positions. 

Radiology Residency in Indianapolis

Medical students who are considering a radiology residency program in Indianapolis can find out more about IU School of Medicine’s Graduate Medical Education program, including details on stipends, benefits, policies and more.
Spirit of Medicine

Retired radiology residency leader a lifelong learner

Since her arrival to the school in 1977, Lois Shuman has seen every corner of the department transform and she’s played a vital role in its successes.