Data Analysis and Analytic Consulting Services

The Bioinformatics Core offers:

  • Next Generation Sequence Data Analysis
  • Microarray Data Analysis
  • Proteomics Data Analysis
  • Multi-omics Data Integration
  • Statistical Genetics
  • Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics Data Analysis
  • Drug Absorption, Disposition, Metabolism, Elimination and Transportation Prediction, and Drug Exposure Prediction
  • Public Domain Database Access and Custom Data Annotation

Consulting Fees

The fee for consultation with a Bioinformatics Programmer is $120.00/hour.

Initiate a Consult

To initiative the consulting process with a member of the Bioinformatics Core, investigators may submit a consult request form.

Bioinformatics Core Policies

Investigators within the Bioinformatics Core follow strict policies for project security and confidentiality.

All data is kept completely confidential as per HIPPA guidelines, and is kept on a secure, password-protected server. Data generated is reviewed by personnel in the Center for quality control purposes. Data is only sent to the PI or a person he/she designates. Data and analysis results are never discussed with anyone not associated with the project.

A copy of the Bioinformatics Core Agreement must be completed by all required parties prior to starting any requested project. The agreement must include a valid account number and date of account expiration. If the project is for an external customer, a PO must be provided. If the project requires additional time for completion, it must be approved by the Office of Research Administration.

Complaints are brought to the attention of Yunlong Liu, PhD, the core director, and an equitable solution is developed. If a solution cannot be agreed upon, the complaint is brought to the attention of the advisory committee electronically to assist with conflict resolution.

Payment is expected for services rendered. Fee-for-service hourly rates are set under the accounting principles and the rates/calculations are approved by appropriate Indiana University authorities in Bloomington. Invoicing and billing are conducted quarterly.

Projects are prioritized on a first-come, first-serve basis. If needed, projects may be rearranged based on investigator deadlines. Should an unexpected delay occur, the PI of the project will be notified.

Center leadership asks that the Center be acknowledged in all publications resulting from data generated by the Center, and that a copy of the publication be provided to the Bioinformatics Core. Inclusion of Center members as authors in publications is expected only when Center investigators provide analysis and interpretation of the data. If substantial intellectual contributions are required in data analysis, interpretation, and/or manuscript writing are requested, co-authorship should be granted to the Core personnel involved.