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All data and results generated in the Chemical Genomics Core Facility (CGCF) will be accessible only to the investigator(s) involved in the project. Data will not be shared in any way without permission from the investigator(s).

The Chemical Genomics Core Director is responsible for resolving any concerns/issues including but not limited to services or data obtained within the CGCF, billing, authorship, and conflict of interest. Should a satisfactory resolution not be reached between the Core Director and the investigator(s), the CGCF Advisory Committee may be consulted.

All users are charged a fee to use the instruments and services provided by the Chemical Genomics Core Facility (CGCF). This charge offsets, only in part, the substantial costs associated with maintaining instruments and library compounds in the CGCF.

All users seeking unsupervised utilization of core equipment are required to be trained by Chemical Genomics Core Facility (CGCF) staff before gaining access to any core instrument. This training session will be charged to the user using the assisted rate fee for the instrument. All unique users must be trained, regardless of whether other members of a lab have already been trained. Training must be repeated if six months have elapsed between uses of an instrument.

All users of the Chemical Genomics Core Facility (CGCF) are expected to pay for the services provided by the CGCF. An IU account number or a purchase order number (PO#) must be provided at the start of the service. If screening data is obtained, full payment is expected, regardless whether or not it represents the result expected by the investigator(s).

All services are on a first-come first-served basis.

Inclusion of the core members as authors in publications should be considered when their contribution exceeds technical expertise and support. Fees paid for services provided by the Chemical Genomics Core Facility (CGCF) does not preclude or replace authorship. If substantial intellectual contributions are required in assay development and implementation, novel compound design, and/or manuscript writing and data interpretation are requested, co-authorship should be granted to the involved core personnel.

Any work that results in publications from the use of the core should be appropriately acknowledged by adding the following statement: “This work was supported by the Chemical Genomics Core Facility (CGCF) at Indiana University School of Medicine”. Acknowledging the CGCF in publications is important for the CGCF to continue to receive funding and support your research needs. The CGCF requests notification of any publication/ patent resulting in the work performed in or by the CGCF. Please also keep the core informed of the status of grants in which the use of the CGCF is proposed.