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Center for Medical Genomics FAQs

Next-generation sequencing refers to high-throughput sequencing technologies, including Illumina Sequencing, Life Technology semiconductor-based Ion Proton sequencing, Pacific BioSciences, Oxford Nanopore sequencing, and others.

The Center for Medical Genomics at Indiana University School of Medicine is equipped with the following platforms:

  • Illumina NovaSeq 6000 (x2)
  • Illumina HiSeq 4000
  • Illumina NextSeq 500
  • Illumina MiSeqDX
  • LifeTech Ion Proton sequencing system
  • Oxford Nanopore MinION platform

For most library preparation and sequencing projects, average turnaround time is four weeks. However, for projects with a large number of samples or experiments that involve non-standard protocols, the turnaround time may be longer. For sequencing of pre-made libraries, the average turnaround time is two weeks.

After the experiment is concluded, the Center for Medical Genomics stores the remaining samples for up to three months. Please contact the Center’s program manager to retrieve the remaining samples.

Please contact the Center for Medical Genomics program manager for a service quote or to schedule a consultation.

For all new users, an orientation meeting covers the logistics for using the Center’s services. This meeting should include the PI who can make fiscal and logistics decisions and technical staff who will directly prepare the samples.

Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100 or TapeStation 2200 is used to assess the DNA and RNA quality submitted by the users. For liability reasons, all samples are evaluated before the procedure, regardless of whether the users have evaluated in their own laboratories.

Yes. The Center for Medical Genomics supports experiments with user-prepared library. However, the Center requires the users to share the full protocol for the library preparation and provide the exact specifications for sequencing. The Center is not fully responsible for the quality of the data if a large portion of the experiments are beyond the Center’s control. Please contact the Center’s program manager for material requirements for pre-made libraries.