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The IU School of Medicine Center for Proteome Analysis does not share data or project information without the consent of the principle investigator(s) involved in the project.

Conflict Resolution 

Any concerns about service or data obtained from the proteomics core should be referred to the center director. Differences in opinion regarding protocols used, billing issues, authorship disagreement, etc. may be discussed. In the event that a resolution to the conflict cannot be reached between the principle investigator(s) and the center director, the proteomics advisory board can be consulted. The current members of the IU School of Medicine proteomics advisory board are:

Name Title Department
Clark D. Wells, PhD Associate Professor (chair) Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
AJ Baucum, PhD Associate Professor Pharmacology and Toxicology/Stark Neuroscience Institute
Peter Hollenhorst, PhD Professor Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Mark R. Kelley, PhD Professor Pediatrics/IU Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center
Amelia K. Linnemann, PhD Associate Professor Pediatrics, Indiana Diabetes Research Center
Lindsey Mayo, PhD Associate Professor Pediatrics, Wells Center for Pediatric Research
Gustavo Arrizabalaga, PhD Professor Pharmacology and Toxicology, Biology of Intracellular Pathogens Working Group
Yunlong Liu, PhD Professor Medical and Molecular Genetics, Director of CMG/CCBB

Cost Recovery/Payment 

All CTSI core users are asked to include an account number with their sample submission form. Billing is performed at least once a month following completion of the majority of the work (typically including sample preparation, LC-MS/MS analysis, and initial database search analysis). External (non-CTSI) users should contact Mandy Bittner to discuss payment options prior to samples submission. 

Prioritization of Work 

Samples are processed on a “first come, first served” basis. Some samples require multiple sample preparation steps which may delay their analysis on the mass spectrometer. Slight changes in the “first come, first served” order of analysis are performed to optimize instrument usage and to fit with staffing.

Publications and Grant Writing

All work performed in or by the Center for Proteome Analysis should be acknowledged in publications. Please add the following statement to the acknowledgments: 

The mass spectrometry work was performed by the Indiana University School of Medicine (IUSM) Center for Proteome Analysis (CPA). Acquisition of the IUSM CPA instrumentation used for this project was provided in part by the Indiana University Precision Health Initiative and the IU Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center. The proteomics work was supported, in part, by the Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (Award Number UL1TR002529 from the National Institutes of Health, National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, Clinical and Translational Sciences Award) and, in part, by the IU Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center Support Grant (Award Number P30CA082709 from the National Cancer Institute).*


*Please include this statement only if you are a member of the IU Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center and received services at a subsidized rate*


For projects that include experimental design, novel method development, and/or novel data analysis, co-authorship may be warranted. For projects that include novel method development, co-authorship may be warranted. For projects that include significant manuscript writing, figure production, and/or data interpretation beyond general method write-ups, co-authorship should be granted. A PDF version of all publications that include data generated by the Center for Proteome Analysis is requested. A notice of grants awarded should also be shared when appropriate. This will assist the core in documenting successful activities and aids in gaining funding to maintain and upgrade the resources in the core.