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Research Imaging Services

To support the large scale of medical facilities in the Indianapolis area, the Office of Research Imaging utilizes project management tools specifically designed for research imaging organization. The office has abundant experience in working with contract research organizations to carefully manage all aspects of imaging protocols.

The office helps investigators through study setup procedures and training and provides a dedicated research scheduling team, implements study specific imaging acquisition guidelines, and transmits de-identified electronic imaging data in compliance with all university and federal guidelines.

During the registration of a new study, researchers can request to receive a budget quote for the study. Within five-seven business days, the office will provide an imaging budget. Depending on the complexity of the study, the office may have to consult with hospital coders, technologists or revenue cycle staff for exam pricing verification. The study may be charged one of two one-time startup and maintenance fees.

  • For complex or multi-modality = $2,724.00
  • For routine imaging protocol and research services = $1,724.00

If the study has no imaging guidelines and no research services, no additional fees are charged.

The office has dedicated staff to assist with all imaging regulatory requirements. Services include but are not limited to: regulatory applications, dosimetry calculations and protocol development. If a study requires any of these services, please contact Regulatory approvals (IRB, SRC, Radiation Safety, etc.) must be submitted before imaging can begin.

Site qualification forms should be submitted to the office and completed by certified research imaging technologists. Each study may require specific and evolving data that is best completed by a research imaging technologist.

To schedule study participants email or call 317-963-7228. Have the following information ready:

  • Study ID#
  • Subject name and ID
  • Visit #
  • Read or no read
  • Scan type and location

To order a research scan, please submit a Research Order From and send to the Office for Research Imaging. Contact information is provided at the bottom of the order form.

All studies are electronically archived and saved for 15+years. Studies requiring electronic transfer and anonymization will be charged $29 per exam. Study coordinators should email the office with a data transfer request form attached to execute a data transfer. Exam raw data may be available for one-two days after scanning.


Billing is sent either by Indiana Institute for Biomedical Imaging Sciences or IU Health, depending on where the study was performed.

Research imaging studies performed at the institute are charged by the hour through the IU School of Medicine financial system. Study investigators and staff will receive an email receipt detailing the procedure charges and study account number of record every evening after a study is performed.

Research imaging studies performed at an IU Health facility are billed by the IU Health Revenue Cycle Services. Billing questions should be directed to IU Health charges use the Medicare and Medicaid services reimbursement rate based on current procedural terminology code. If the exam does not have a reimbursable code then the exam is given a 65% discount off the listed rate. All research studies performed at IU Health must have grant charge forms created by IUH Revenue Cycles Services before scheduling exams.

Research Imaging Rates

Below are current research fees for government and foundation-funded studies through June 30, 2023. The Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences now requires the organization code RADY to be added to internal KC routing whenever imaging and/or radiochemistry is being utilized. Rates are hourly unless otherwise noted.