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Strategic Plan

Accelerate discovery and clinical translation

We have a responsibility to conduct high impact research that ultimately makes a difference in people’s lives. We need to increase the depth, breadth and quality of our research. This will attract more talent and research funding and help us move faster in reaching our ultimate goal, which is preventing disease, alleviating suffering and saving lives.

yellow circle with outline of microscope, beaker and books


  • Increase the impact of scientific discovery and clinical translation.
  • Increase NIH funding to be in the top 10 public medical schools by 2030.
  • Create a balanced research portfolio encompassing basic discovery, global health, health equity research and clinical research.
  • Increase the number and diversity of patients enrolled in clinical trials.
  • Increase the national recognition of our faculty and staff.


  • Build interdisciplinary team-based programs in areas where IU School of Medicine can be a national leader (within institutes and in other priority areas).
  • Balance recruitments to support bench to bedside programs.
  • Recruit more researchers in population health, community health and health equity.
  • Address basic science and clinical research infrastructure needs, particularly in areas of critical staffing shortages.
  • Enhance support for developing programmatic funding proposals.
  • Increase the number of MD/PhD students and create programs to better support physician-scientist career development.
  • Formalize mentoring program for midcareer faculty.
  • Increase and diversify sources of research funding including funding in global health and health equity research.



Increase NIH research funding to $378 million by 2030.

The school was awarded $253 million in research funding from the NIH in 2023.

The total dollar amount of National Institute of Health awards received per calendar year. Multi-year awards are prorated over duration of the project.

Data displayed is for the 2023 calendar year.

Updated 3/31/2024



Raise total research funding to $600 million by 2030.

The school was awarded $519 million in research funding in 2023.

The total dollar amount of research awards received per calendar year. Multi-year awards are prorated over duration of the project.

Data displayed is for the 2023 calendar year.

Updated 3/31/2024


Increase research publications by 75% by 2030.

IU School of Medicine researchers published 3,412 papers in 2023.

The total number of scholarly publications affiliated with IU School of Medicine and cited in PubMed.

Data displayed is for the 2023 calendar year.

Updated 3/31/2024


Advance the school's Blue Ridge ranking for public medical schools to 10.

IU School of Medicine was ranked 13th in the Blue Ridge rankings for public medical schools in 2023.


IU School of Medicine's ranking among public medical schools on the annual report from Blue Ridge Institute for Medical Research.

Data displayed is for the 2023 federal fiscal year.

Updated 3/31/2024

Share your feedback

We encourage bidirectional communication with our faculty, staff, learners, alumni and broader community. Please share your ideas on how to make the School of Medicine and our work better.