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An abbreviation for episodes of apnea

Aerosol Treatment

Delivers medication and humidity to the respiratory tract


A temporary stop in breathing.

Blood Gases

The amounts of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and degree of acidity in the blood. A small amount of blood is taken from the heel with a needle (heel stick), an IV in the belly button, or from the artery near the wrist where the pulse is felt to test for these levels.


Carbon dioxide that needs to be removed from the body by the lungs, during breathing. CO2 is monitored by a blood test.

Conventional Vent

Play video of Conventional Vent


Continuous Positive Airway Pressure– a treatment using a CPAP machine that helps keep the lungs open. CPAP does not breathe for a baby, but assists the baby's breathing by giving extra air around the nose and mouth. CPAP

Desat (Desaturation)

Low blood oxygen level.

Endotracheal Tube (ET Tube)

A plastic tube which goes from a baby’s nose or mouth past the vocal cords and into the windpipe used to connect the baby to a breathing machine.


Play video of Entubation


Removal of an endotracheal tube.


Placing an endotracheal tube in a baby’s windpipe.

MDI (Metered Dose Inhaler)

Hand held device that gives medicines as a breathable mist.

Peak Inspiratory Pressure (PIP)

The highest pressure that is delivered to a baby by the breathing machine during a ventilator breath.

Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP)

The lowest pressure that is delivered to a baby by the breathing machine between ventilator breaths.

Prem JetVent

Play video of Prem JetVent

Pulse OX (Pulse Oximeter)

Measures the amount of oxygen in the blood. It uses a probe with a red light to measure oxygen level. The probe is usually wrapped around a baby’s foot or hand.

Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS)

A common breathing problem of premature infants caused by not having enough of a compound called surfactant in the lungs. This causes the lungs to be stiff, making it hard for the baby to breathe.


Play video of Retaping


A compound found normally in healthy lungs that keeps the air sacs flexible and prevents the lungs from collapsing. Premature babies often do not make enough surfactant, which can cause respiratory distress syndrome (RDS). A type of surfactant can be given to babies through an endotracheal tube until they can produce enough on their own.